David Gyurkovics
A Universal Tao Instructor, David has over 20 years of experience in Taoist internal practices. He is a practitioner of Chinese Shamanic Medicine, Acutonics, Chi Nei Tsang (Taoist Internal Organ Massage) and student of Japanese Acupuncture. He emphasizes breathwork as a basis for healthy living.
Hajime Harold Naka
An urban Daoist rebel with a cause & effect. His body, mind, spirit Qigong – Taiji has been healing, empowering & liberating society, since cell at a time, since 1983.
James Lowe
James Lowe is intrigued by nature and how it inspires the mindful teachings of the Buddha. He was authorized to teach Dharma by Spirit Rock Meditation Centre and is also a counselling psychologist. At heart, he is an adult educator with a passion for making this teaching accessible, pragmatic and fascinating. James is third generation Chinese-Canadian who grew up in Vancouver. He works in private practice and teachers at a number of institutions. James Lowe [email protected] www.jameslowe.com Tel/txt 604-432-7600 James Lowe [email protected] www.jameslowe.com Tel/txt 604-432-7600
Kelly Day and Andrew Misle
Kelly – My journey into my practice has been one of remembering the inherent value of my essence and authenticity. As a curious seeker, I’ve spent years of my life on a quest to find answers to some of my deepest contemplations. The practice of yoga has served as a foundation for me to come back to my greatest truth realized thus far — that the true teacher and guide lies within. My intention through my teachings is to hold space for students to access this inner knowing. I teach from an embodied and authentic space — one that…
Minke de Vos
Minke de Vos, Senior Universal Healing Tao Instructor and Medical Qigong Master Therapist, has devoted over 35 years to practising and teaching meditative, healing and movement arts. She and her partner offer retreats and Qigong Teacher Trainings in beautiful nature. As co-founder of Sacred Femininity teacher training and author of ‘Tao Tantric Arts for Women‘, she is passionate about evolving her soulful, creative-based work. She is internationally known as one of the top teachers of Qigong and Sacred Sexuality.
Santosh and Annie-Claude
Santosh and Annie-Claude: With over 15 years of experience exploring the spiritual practices of India, including Bhakti yoga, Santosh and Annie-Claude lead groups in the ancient, devotional, musical, meditation called Kirtan. They have been invited to play in many festivals and yoga studios around the country and have been leading Kirtan on a weekly basis in their village in Quebec for over ten years. It’s a very popular event with dozens of people coming every week who leave feeling lighter and happier. They continue doing this because they feel the profoundly positive effects in themselves and witness it in others. It…
Sarah Salter Kelly
Sarah Salter Kelly is a talented healer, teacher, and speaker, utilizing the raw compounded teachings of her life experience, to uplift, empower and guide others. Her wisdom is authentic, embodied and hard won – generated through years of integrating the tragic homicide of her mother and learning to forgive the perpetrator – alongside thirty years of studying personal growth, mysticism, restorative justice, and earth-based healing traditions. Over the past fourteen years she has run her own private healing practice, facilitated retreats – both in Canada and in Peru – taught trauma focused and shamanic healing workshops, and presented at conferences/public events.…